For an introduction to the Index of Medieval Art database, you may peruse the fifteen Browse lists:
Find the name of the list you wish to search from the Browse page and use the link under the thumbnail image to access that list. Next to the search icon and on the filter line, enter the term for which you’re looking. The list will automatically jump to terms that match the first word or letter group you type. Entering the name of the principal figure in whom you're interested will also bring up other subjects that begin with the same name.
Once you find a browse list term you wish to explore, use the link to access an authority record with further information contained in expandable fields. The field at the bottom of each authority record, Associated Works of Art, will open to reveal all work of art records that include that term.
Exploring the Index’s browse lists is recommended to gain a familiarity with overall scope and content of the collection. The subject list contains iconographic headings for a vast number of named historical, personified, saintly, religious and mythological figures, narrative and domestic scenes, human and social activities, place names, structures, objects and rituals, utensils, arms and armor, flora and fauna (real and imaginary), astrological and astronomical objects, and ornament represented in medieval art. To learn more about subjects, see especially the Subject Classification network of iconographic headings, which organizes Index subjects by theme in a network headed by five main classifications:
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